If the original post has a smugness to it, then that is what you are interjecting into it. It's not my intent. What I have been trying to do is make sense of some of the experiences that people have shared here. So I ask questions. There is a reason why I keep asking, and I am trying to do it in the least threatening manner possible. I want the people who may be reading this forum anonymously to hear what so many told themselves that made all of this ok at the time. Maybe they will see themselves and realize that what they are experiencing as a religion has little to do with God and a relationship with Jesus, and more about being right.
Every person who has been involved in TWI has lost something as a result, whether it be relationships, opportunities, time, innocence, or even their lives. They did it and do it so they could and can have that sense of being right and being involved with an organization that teaches "truth" and therefore secures the faithful a better place in the new world.
VPW told people not to take his word for anything that he taught. It was good advice whether he meant it or not. In retrospect it truly served as a warning, and it still does. Some of us heeded the warning. I'm more than happy to share what that cost me at the time. Many did not, in what turned out to be a bad call. Those of you who allowed yourself to be pressured into unquestioning loyalty can help those who are still in by explaining how you were pressured and why you felt the need to conform. You can tell people how that worked for you. I can help people by sharing how it felt not to conform; what kind of stress that brought into my life, and how that worked for me.
Most of us survived whether we conformed or not. Now we can step back and evaluate what can be learned from the experience.