HOw did she do with that? Well, until I learned all the four-letters words and how to use them!
Seriously, it's something people should teach their children from both sides of the spectrum. Remember in "To Kill A Mockingbird" when the little guest pours molasses all over his food? And Scout is outraged? Manners avoids that kind of reaction. If your guest pours molasses over his mashed potatoes you just do the same. And refill the pitcher if it's not enough for him.
I'm really into making people feel comfortable.
I remember another incident from my TWI years: We were in this family's twig and they had four children. The woman was a stickler for everyone being exquisitely courteous: always, always knock and wait to be properly greeted and invited in to her home, never ask for anything that is not offered; You may get a glass from the cupboard, water jug from the refrigerator, pour yourself a glass of water, refill the water jug before replacing it in the fridge on the properly labeled shelf, and place the empty glass in the sink, but never never never get anything else out, yada yada yada. Lots of rules in her household, under the guise of "manners."
One time after twig I was drinking the proffered coffee, and God forbid, I left a lipstick ring on the cup, having been in such a hurry to get there on time I forgot to blot!!!!! Well, this lady called her four children over to her side. "Look, children!" she exclaimed. "Mrs. Garden forgot to blot her lipstick and NOW IT IS ALL OVER MY CUP!"
I felt as if I had flatulated in a branch meeting during manifestations. And, I most certainly never again as long as I lived wore lipstick to twig.