I found this passage to be particularly interesting:
"Dr. Cath defined a cult as a group of people joined together by a common ideological system fostered by a charismatic leader, where, he said, ''the expectation is that they can transcend the imperfections and finitude of life.''
He said: ''Often they set up a we-they philosophy: We have the truth and you do not.'' In what Dr. Clark called healthy, valid groups, conversion is achieved in good faith without coercion, and the individual is encouraged to reconcile himself to his history, his family and his culture, even when he may be working for change in his society. ''But in destructive cults,'' said Dr. Clark, ''current and prior connectedness is denied.''
Dr. Clark said that the pattern of manipulated cult conversions may not appear especially radical to outsiders, since no one is beaten or otherwise physically harmed."