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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/01/2009 in all areas
The upgrade isn't really done yet. Just done enough to allow people in again. This was a major upgrade with software that is really not ready for prime time. There will be issues. If you find any, post them here and I'll look into it. Known issues: GS Logo: Looks like crap. It's what happens when you start an upgrade and forget that you still need a logo. I threw it together in about 5 minutes and I have no photoshop skills. Paw is working on a better one. Creating new blog entries apparently isn't working. Getting permission denied errors. If you notice diferent, let me know. Shoutbox needs to be recreated. But.... There are a ton of new features, some most will like, some will drive others nuts. Should be interesting. One new feature of note is the ability to rate a post as good or bad --- which builds a user's overall rating. This should be really interesting. :)1 point
Someone out there is deadly at Scrabble. (Wait till you see the last one)! DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM PRESBYTERIAN: When you rearrange the letters: BEST IN PRAYER ASTRONOMER: When you rearrange the letters: MOON STARER DESPERATION: When you rearrange the letters: A ROPE ENDS IT THE EYES: ! When you rearrange the letters: THEY SEE GEORGE BUSH: When you rearrange the letters: HE BUGS GORE THE MORSE CODE : When you rearrange the letters: HERE COME DOTS SLOT MACHINES: When you rearrange the letters: CASH LOST IN ME ANIMOSITY: When you rearrange the letters: IS NO AMITY ELECTION RESULTS: When you rearrange the letters: LIES - LET'S RECOUNT SNOOZE ALARMS: When you rearrange the letters: ALAS! NO MORE Z 'S A DECIMAL POINT: When you rearrange the letters: IM A DOT IN PLACE THE EARTHQUAKES: When you rearrange the letters: THAT QUEER SHAKE ELEVEN PLUS TWO: When you rearrange the letters: TWELVE PLUS ONE AND FOR THE GRAND FINALE: MOTHER-IN-LAW: When you rearrange the letters: WOMAN HITLER Yep! Someone with waaaaaaaaaaay too much time on their hands! (Probably a son-in-law)1 point
If the GSr's don't hit me for being corny, than Jesus will, for a really BAD joke, but that never stopped me before, here it goes... St Peter decides to take the day off to go fishing, so Jesus offers to keep an eye on the Pearly Gates. He is not sure what to do, so Peter tells him to find out a bit about people as they arrive in Heaven, and this will help him decide if he can let them in. After a while, Jesus sees a little old man with white hair approaching who looks very, very familiar. He asks the old man to tell him about himself. The old man says, "I had a very sad life. I was a carpenter and had a son who I lost at a relatively young age, and although he was not my natural child, I loved him dearly." Jesus welled up with emotion. He threw his arms around the old man and cried, "Daddy!!!" The old man replied, "Pinocchio!!!" ____________________________________________________________________________ please throw me stones of marshmallow. I will forgive you all when the time comes.1 point
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I've just taken a look at the Bullsheeta text and it concurs with RumRunner's research. Addtional research has shown that he was in the midst of a lot of drambuie with LCM on his right and CG on his left - on either side one glass. It has been previously thought that one of the men asked to be with him in paradise - but now it has been established that they both wanted to settle things with a pair of dice - in a crap shoot.1 point
I have been out for about 25 years now and I still find myself with waybrain. For example, I have thought of hypnosis as a possible means to help overcome severe habits such as emotional eating or smoking. But, to this day, every time I think of hypnosis my mind goes back for a moment to the old thinking that it's devil spirit operated. Speaking of devil spirits, that's another thing. Much as I don't want to, I still find myself wondering sometimes if they really aren't out there trying to get me. On another note, I went back to church for awhile a couple of years ago. Even though the folks there were lovely and nobody tried to coerce me, I still found myself dissecting the words & behaviors of my "unbeliever" associates outside the church, just like I did back in the Way. These "unbelievers" included my close friends and husband. Needless to say, when that started happening, I RAN RAN RAN away from church attendance as fast as my little legs would carry me and I haven't been back since.1 point
An extra penny to add to my previous 2 cents. the relationship of worship & service. There's always the practical consequence of doctrine to take into account. I think sometimes the TWI mindset tended to compartmentalize ideas – which not only blinds one to contradictory thoughts but also how some things relate to each other. I'm thinking about a particular PFAL teaching on what is true worship – saying the only true worship was to SIT. However, there's a couple of Bible passages that give me the idea that there's a twofold aspect when it comes to reverence, devotion; one is intellectual and the other is practical. When I say "intellectual" – I don't think it's something stuffy, heady, philosophical – like that – maybe it's much more, involving our emotions, passions. I think worship is basically love. In Matthew 4 when Jesus was tempted to worship the devil in exchange for the kingdoms of this world – He responded by saying we are to worship AND serve the Lord our God only [Matthew 4:10]. And in Romans 1, speaking of the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness – how they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshipped AND served created things rather than the Creator [Romans 1:25]. Again thinking about worship as love we find service linked to it in Matthew 6:24. Jesus talked about the impossibility of serving two masters – we wind up hating one and loving the other, and He ends that thought by saying "You cannot serve both God and wealth" [NASB]. That can apply to anything tempting - the big four – fame, fortune, power and pleasure. As Romans 6:16 indicates – whatever you choose to obey becomes your master. What I think relates to this discussion is a biblical definition of idolatry. I'm sure others can chime in with references – but the most comprehensive one I can think of right off the bat is in Exodus 20 – I see a number of prohibitions/directives in the first half of the Ten Commandments intended to guard the monogamous relationship a believer has with the Lord God. And getting back to the worship/service correlation – it's intriguing to think about the practical side of the commandments – especially when put in the context of how I relate to others [don't murder, don't commit adultery, don't lie, don't steal, etc.]. That gets me thinking about when Jesus was asked what the most important commandment was in Matthew 22:36-40. Jesus' answer was not one – but two commandments – He summarized them as being to love God and neighbor – and saying that all the other commandments -demands - directives of the Law & Prophets are anchored, supported, based upon these two. Exodus 20 has love & service intertwined – but stated mostly in a negative sense ["Do not do so & so"]. Matthew 22 presents love & service as a positive duet. I also agree with your point about how TWI's god was one of their own creation and through teachings like "the law of believing" & pushing SIT as perfect prayer & true worship there was a subliminal message getting fed to folks that God was at our beck & call – as long as we did the right things God would comply with our every wish or command. I believe idolatry tends to be self-serving. And I think about the dark horrible experiences of abuse & sexual molestations mentioned on Grease Spot – that $ hi + is the extreme opposite of the two great commandments! Yeah, and vp re-defined what it means to love your neighbor anyway – saying "anything done in the love of God is okay." Come to think of it, vp re-defined idolatry too. Did you ever hear him rant from the podium about Jesus Christ not being God and we should not worship Him? He'd go on & on making analogies about moving the decimal point one place over, changes the value of the numbers – and that to think Jesus is God is idolatry. Ok – so I'm a Trinitarian and have nothing against my Unitarian brothers – but please allow me the freedom to follow the dictates of my conscience - of my understanding of John 1:1, Colossians 1: 15-20, Hebrews1: 5 & ff, and - uhm - well, you know the drill; but when it comes right down to it - the worship AND service aspect of it – the practical consequence of one's theology – I don't think we [Trinitarians & Unitarians] are that different practically speaking. And really who cares?!?! As long as neither side uses the issue as a polarizing tool to separate "the true believers" and damn the rest to hell – oh, shades of the New Knoxville Inquisition!1 point
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what you are describing (configure post options) is on the screen WHILE you are writing a post. You won't find the button to edit until you post it the first time. That is the way it has always been. someone else already told you where the edit button is , when it is available, after you make the post.... on the right side of your post, under the + and - dots.1 point
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oh poor girl! all those pluses and minuses are your reputation and i think you've been dissing yourself so i'm trying to add to your reputation.1 point
Excie - it might be that you're waiting too long to edit a post. As far as the PM function goes, When I hit on the little envelope which is the icon for a PM under a person's avatar, the main screen darkens and a PM window pops up. Something similar happens when I try to PM from a person's profile. Everything is working fine, just looks different. Actually, I like the way it works now.1 point
excathedra, find the + and - buttons, they're red and green on bottom, all a part of this box you type in Just below those there's a 'multi quote' to the left of multi quote is 'reply' to the left of reply is 'edit' and it's got a yellow pencil next to it1 point
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Crop circles in Australia are caused by stoned Wallabies in medicinal poppy fields. Australian crop circles1 point
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hi, i don't know where the "edit post" button is when i click on a member name and then click "send me a message", everything changes colors and kind of freezes there's other stuff, but i can't remember now thank you1 point
1 point
I used to see an edit button before the update on this web site, but no more. Now I only see "Reply" and "Multiquote" underneath the plus minus symbols. But I am going to see if there is a refresh button that I can click. Maybe the web page needs to be updated for me. Thanks Hap. It is good to figure stuff out with others. Here is my edit: There it is. I clicked the refresh button with the up and then down green arrows at the top of the page towards the right hand side and now the edit button is back. Thanks for going over this with me Hap. Have a good day my friend.1 point
Well, it makes sense now.....after looking at my own buttons on my posts.... No need to PM yourself. And hopefully you're friends with yourself already. :) But for everyone else, they're there for them to use.1 point
nope - - not on my own posts or my own profile.....but I see them on other people's. I do see the one for gallery. I've always had that one.1 point
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i've got all the buttons now. thanks for the work because it's nice to see what i'm doing instead of clicking around blindly and ending up in the men's dressing room.1 point
I think I found the problem with the missing buttons. For those that were experiencing it, have they shown up now? If not, could you try force reloading a page (CTRL + R) and see if they appear. If that doesn't work, try clearing your history. Hopefully they work for all. Krys -- could be the same issue with the buttons you're not seeing. Try the same steps.1 point
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There is no "icon" next to my posts where someone can click to add me as a friend or send me a private message. Can you fix this? or did I do something wacky. Being friends is nice....but it's more important to get private messages to keep annoying comments and scathing remarks off the main boards.1 point
Buttonology looks fine in Firefox. I suspect you may be consigned to hell for using Windoze and IE1 point
1 point
OK, I finally booted my laptop into Windows to look at the site using IE7. If feel dirty now. :wacko: The Add Reply and Start a new topic buttons are not there, both at the top and bottom. Also the Watch this topic button. Technically they are there, but the font is white expecting blue background, not the white IE is giving it. I'm sure it will be fixed by the company who writes the forum software, but it may be a few weeks. May I suggest a few "Standards Compliant" browsers in the mean time? Firefox (What I've used the last 5 years) Safari (What I use more and more lately -- very fast) Opera Google Chrome1 point
1 point
Shell, you can scroll down all the way to the bottom of the page, under the page numbers and below the Google ad of the day, and you should see a "Fast Reply" box. Once you click on the box like you're going to write, it expands and you can type in it.1 point
I can only get the "Songs of the moment" thread to load to Waysider's post June 9th. It shows that as the last entry. I know I posted on there since as have others and I can't see them when I look at it. I have tried it logged in and not logged in. . . I have changed the number of replies I see on a page. . . nothing seems to work. It only shows me 3 entries per page and has it at 43 pages? It stops at June 9.1 point
When I tried to read some of the later posts in the About the Way in the "tongues shall cease thread" I'm greeted with a message that says I've asked for a post that is not on that topic or words to that effect. Would you please explain why? Thanks GT maybe we should call you " Mighty Great Technician" instead of greasy tech!1 point
There are a few quirks I've noticed with where one ends up after clicking a link. The blogs are the worse. May be fixed soon, but not anything I can do about it now. Can you shoot me a screen shot? Either posted here or PM. If you're on Windows, pressing ALT+PrintScreen will capture the current windows. Open up MS Paint, paste it in. Save it as a JPG. You're all set to up load it.1 point
i can't find my controls and nothing happens when i click the dropdown box next to my name and clicking my shadow picture just takes me to my profile and i am logged in. oh oops. i clicked on a little picture that had nothing by it and nothing came up to tell me what it was but guess what? it was "edit my profile" or something. but i can't see most of the buttons now just the pictures but not the words or the outlines.1 point
Ouch! How old were you? My parents would have sent me to college,bought me a car and all that jazz IF only I would get out of TWI. At the time "Nothing was gonna stop me" like the song went I was Born Again and was gonna serve! During that time in 78 (Jonestown happened)then the choice was leave or get out of the house. Which was really easy to go live with other believers until I went wow and it just fueled the flame more! On the field is when I learned TWI was a company and we were working in the slaughterhouse of what was truely biblical research!1 point
Just a thought. The wording under a Topic heading (the description) is in really tiny type, and it may be helpful if that could be perhaps a size larger?1 point
It looks like they may have changed the meaning of the size numbers. Not sure, never really used them much myself. Size = 1 Size = 2 Size = 3 Size = 4 Size = 5 Size = 6 Size = 7 Don't think it's a bug -- more of a new way of handling font sizes.1 point
Looks like the icon for Go to last unviewed post is working properly now. Thanks. This "fast reply" box is good, too.1 point
You can set your status at the top of your profile page. Clicking on your name in the upper right and selecting Profile should get you there. Chat is installed but not working yet. Shoutbox is installed but not working yet. Check that. Working now.1 point
The place looks GREAT! I see the status bar on the right, but can't see how to post on it. Is it right in front of me? :)1 point
Ohhh Pretty Shiney Different. Looks around slightly confused... wanders off to play in the new toy!1 point
I ran a routine to rebuild everyone's signature. I then manually fixed yours. Is it me or is it still not showing up right?1 point
Didn't realize we lost some of the stock avatars. I'll see if I can hunt them down too. Probably in the back room drinking spiked coffee.... They were --- the lazy bums.1 point
I believe the pre-upgrade quoted text will be corrected by the morning. Hopefully the emoticons are working again. Little buggers thought it was time for a coffee break....1 point
emoticons are an issue. I'll look into it. All the posts are being rebuilt. It's about 25% done, quite a ways to go. I'll wait until tomorrow to address any formating issues in posts. Thanks for the feedback.1 point
I think the blogs are fixed now. Anyone with a forum ID can create a blog here. Just click on your ID in the upper right and go to settings, then blog.1 point
and the claim is that they can re-make the wheel with sub-standard resources.. tired, worn out, unqualified and/or unemployed"teachers" whose only claim to fame: they were "trained" or ordained by the vicster the grifter. Apparently someone there is charismatic enough to round up a few volunteers..1 point