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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/30/2009 in all areas
Excie - it might be that you're waiting too long to edit a post. As far as the PM function goes, When I hit on the little envelope which is the icon for a PM under a person's avatar, the main screen darkens and a PM window pops up. Something similar happens when I try to PM from a person's profile. Everything is working fine, just looks different. Actually, I like the way it works now.2 points
2 points
On my continued quest to discover what was wrong with The Way spiritually, I would like to propose Idolatry. The God of The Way was one they wanted to worship. He was made in the image of what they thought God should be like. He was pretty one-sided. He was like a Sugar Daddy. God was like a good buddy. There usually were not any consequences for wrong actions. No condemnation...remember? What about the God of the Bible that says...What you sow, you reap? and God cannot be mocked. I don't think The Way had a healthy respect for the awesomeness of God, the Holiness of God and one to worship with reverence. Again, personalizing this, I discovered an attitude in myself that needed to change. The God of the Bible was not someone I could manipulate for my own personal gain, but rather someone I am learning to accept Him on His own terms.1 point
OK when I was young I tripped on acid a lot - lots of hallucinations - none of it real - all of it bogus - but a lot of fun - music was good - friends were good - times were good Then - round two - I joined TWI - more hallucinations - but mass hallucinations now - witness Way corps and ROA - none of it real - all of it bogus - crappy music, no fun, friends who stabbed friends - times sucked All things considered I gotta vote for the acid1 point
i have a green plus button that says "click to configure post options" and below that i have "add reply", "preview post" and "cancel" should i click to configure post options ? i thought i did that and it got weird. i'll try after i hit reply here thank you for trying to help me i got a million green + and red - scrolling all the way down the screen i clicked on the red and got a green 1 and minus red 1 i don't know those were two posts up above there, if that helps now 3 ha ha ha ha ha oh well and the long line of little green and red boxes with 1's are still there at the moment i did just find that my reputation on here is a -8. i guess that's less than a zero. i'm liking this new site better all the time.1 point
1 point
Hell, an afternoon spent sniffing glue would beat any intellectual stimulus I ever got from WayWorld...1 point
Many moons ago, Doug was the Limb Coordinator of NC ... then lived in Hawaii for quite a few years. The last I heard he is in either Australia or New Zealand ... I'd like to get in touch with him to tell him something important. Thanks, DogLover1 point
hi, i don't know where the "edit post" button is when i click on a member name and then click "send me a message", everything changes colors and kind of freezes there's other stuff, but i can't remember now thank you1 point
i have nice new friends at my new job and when they offer advice, i listen, and vice versa i really like that1 point
on my birthday recently, billy joel was singing "only the good die young" as i was driving to work on my home from work, that song was on the radio again do you think that was a sign?1 point
1 point
erkjohn, your post touched me -- i wasn't a big leader or anything like that, dear brainfixed. i was a corps grad. i know it has taken me years. when i first left, i felt like a deaf and dumb mute around mostly everyone. then after that i started sharing way too much. i don't know how to explain it, but i was always mouthing off with my bad taste for religion, etc., and telling too much personal crap. lately (after how many years since poo poo), i find that i'm a much more balanced sociable person and people really like me (not talking about greasespot lol)1 point
does anyone know how hard it is to find a horn of plenty that looks like a way horn of plenty ? -- i've also read on here through the years that people raked their carpet in their house so it would go in one direction -- this may not fit but i thought of it ???? "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."1 point
everything of god is by design, if you are walking in the spirit -- quote something from bible goes here -- if you are not walking in the spirit, you are, by choice, not walking in the spirit and by now you should be walking in the spirit you are a mature believer -- quote something from bible goes here -- it saddens me that you have turned away with your hatred and hostility toward the one true god and ministry -- quote something from bible goes here -- lovingly, in his service, -- bible quote goes here --1 point
1 point
You should tell them your longsuit is working really hard at menial tasks for 12 hours straight with no breaks and no money. Maybe they'll make you and overpaid executive in order for you to grow spiritually.1 point
for those of you still "in" twi for whatever reason, hear this..........twi is anti-christ!.............notice i did not say "twi is the antichrist"...........that would be as foolish and ignorant as saying president obama is the antichrist, imho! what i mean by that first statement is that twi is against, and in reality stands opposed to everything the true jesus christ is, was, and will be............rosie and her cult have so seared their consciences and their ability to reason, that all they are capable of at their very best, is what the anonymous author described!..........there is no christ in them or anywhere near them and their foolish properties.........truly they are whited sepulchres of phoniness, lies, and all the works of the flesh their precious "word" lists so often, in great detail, in almost all the books of the new testament. they are this way because they direly need to repent of their evil words and deeds!............and don't be fooled for one minute that wayne clapp, or stfi, or any other offshoot has anything better to offer!.........and, don't think that if some of the eager "young bucks" ever get a chance at trying to run twi out of its spiritual abyss, that somehow, magically, all will be healed and changed. nothing like that will ever happen until they all repent of their evil doctrines, practices, and enormous pride!........they must become honest before the great god and searcher of all hearts, who already knows all the evils they have committed in his name and against his precious children!..........they must apologize to and ask forgiveness from all those whom they have despitefully used, made merchandise of, lied to, and stolen from, and they must do so publicly! no more hiding behind their walls of zion! THE TRUTH said, "thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thine heart, soul, mind and strength, and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. upon these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets!"............rosie and her cult and all who do not carry out those words of jesus christ are opposed to him, and thus, anti-christ! for those still in twi thinking things will change some day, hear these words, reflect upon them, and leave twi today!.........................peace.1 point