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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2009 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. O.K., that does it! I'm taking away your secret decoder ring, the Mector bylaws, AND your membership card. Man, you can't keep a secret fer chit!
    2 points
  3. I have it from a reliable source that George Aar is not likable but is indeed in league with the evil powers of Mector whose goal it is to destroy anything that takes itself too seriously
    2 points
  4. Mark I don't know you at all, but it sure looks more like you want folks to visit your site more than have a discussion. Of all the points Geo made all you can do is invite him to look at what you've written? Why not address his posts directly and have a mature discussion? Or else it just looks like an info-mercial for yet another splinter group. Your points seem awfully close to what we heard in twi.
    2 points
  5. Mark - did you even read this post? And considering that this isn't the doctrinal forum, what's with railing on anyone who doesn't agree with your view of SIT? Chill out man....
    2 points
  6. And I reserve the right to strenuously disagree with the above - with equal credibility, I can call it poppy cock, brainwashing, WayBrain and whatever else I choose to label the glossolalia, and move on. Your quoted sources? Human... Me? human... Tit for tat... This is a genuine work of the Holy Spirit. This was a con art job of Dr Cyclops. Dude and what is with the boldface? Does that mean the words are from on high as the spirit gives us utterance? Dr Cyclops was a con job and a good one. Just couldn't resist - the voices were talking to me again...
    2 points
  7. Looks like the icon for Go to last unviewed post is working properly now. Thanks. This "fast reply" box is good, too.
    1 point
  8. And, no, it's not that I "don't like" the contents of The Bible, I just don't hold it as any sort of divine source of information. (I actually do like Ecclesiastes, Job, and Song of Solomon, but how often do you really need to reread the SAME book? But I digress...) I also don't give much credence to The Koran, The Bhagavagita, or the Wisdom of Buddha, so I'm sorta egalitarian in that regard... Here's another idea though. Suppose that some sharpwitted MOG wannabee back a few thousand years ago figured out he could get more dedicated converts to his church by making some mundane - but little understood - human response into a spiritual exercise? Maybe claim that tapping the knee with a small rubber hammer proves that Almighty God has chosen you (IF you have an involuntary twitch in your leg as a result!) You could have a special prayer, have the congregation get quiet and put on their holiest faces, and then have a "Kicking in the SPIRIT" session! I'm sure there's lots of normal, albeit not well-understood (especially by unschooled, Iron-age people) physical responses that could have been co-opted in such a manner. Exploiting various and sundry involuntary nerve responses, or maybe even more mundane sorta things. Maybe feed the whole congregation a high-fibre meal and have a farting-in-the-spirit marathon? But, again I digress... (RR, Visions of purgatory are keeping me up at night, -shudder-)
    1 point
  9. Waysider, You may have already read the articles on Dr. Juedes site concerning this issue, but it is an interesting approach and analysis by Douglas V. Morton. Here is part of it. . . the link leads to the main site and the article can be found under Biblical Research and Teaching. . . . Inhaling the Spirit. http://www.abouttheway.org/ . . . . . .The unanimous evidence, therefore, shows that the word means to "blow upon" or "breathe upon." Jesus was not inhaling in John 20:22. He was not showing his disciples what they were to do on the day of Pentecost. He actually breathed upon them and said "receive the Holy Spirit." When Pentecost came, the loud sound heard by the people was not the disciples breathing hard, following the example of Jesus, but the Spirit of God coming upon them. In light of the above evidence, Wierwille's teaching of "in-breathing" to receive the Holy Spirit is meaningless. Nowhere does scripture indicate that we receive spiritual power through breathing in, even if it is connected with believing. The Apostle Paul writes concerning receiving the Spirit: "Did you receive (lambano) the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing what you heard?" The Holy Spirit is received by hearing the message of the Gospel and believing it. Any other way is considered "a work of the law" and against the Gospel. The validity of speaking in tongues is not being questioned here. What is being questioned and rejected is Wierwille's mechanistic and unscriptural teaching concerning receiving the Spirit and speaking in tongues. The Way is certainly not a group from which one would want to learn about this special gift or ability. Its inability to understand this phenomena of scripture makes it a poor instructor in this and other teachings. There may be some things off or whatever in this article. . . but can you imagine what it must look look to someone on the outside looking into our odd little cult? I posted what I did because I thought it illustrated Waysider's point.
    1 point
  10. LSD wasn't for everybody either but we sure enjoyed the myth of the ride...
    1 point
  11. Mark - I'm going to answer this and be done with the matter - at least where you're concerned. I read the post you made on this thread - where you actually criticized how waysider started the thread. Then you later wrote that you hadn't bothered to read down a bit to see waysider's very gracious explanation of what his intentions were. As far as Geo is concerned - he really can take care of himself. I never even tried to defend him. Geez! Now stop being condescending. It should be embarassing to you.
    1 point
  12. Uhhhh.... but you had the time to write a tome? It's not like it was time-consuming to read a few more posts down. Was that so hard?
    1 point
  13. Oh wait! I saw a poster that proved that what twi taught about SIT is accurate. It must be real if someone painted it...right?
    1 point
  14. For where I work... We would be given the options of: 1. Go on leave with out pay. 2. You may use your sick leave. 3. You may use your regular leave. 4. Any combination of the above. Not trying to sound unsympathitic... The baby's father had a little time to find out what the company leave policy is for such events.
    1 point
  15. He can speak in *real* tongues..
    1 point
  16. Does anybody remember the teachings when wierwille thought that russia was going to take over? How we were told that if it was a question of survival, let the kids die...that we could always have more, but that we would be the only repositories for the word and that must survive. How about abortion being required for babies conceived while involved in a twi program? Children were always expendable in twi.
    1 point
  17. This maybe just a "quirk of the day" kind of thought for me..... But I am wondering how many people might actually hear from God someday something like....."I did not tell you THAT!"
    1 point
  18. good one you should be a writer
    1 point
  19. I mentioned that to him in a response I sent through his website.
    1 point
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