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WayDale Administrator
(11/1/00 12:00:02 pm)

THE will continue to watch over us in THEse dark times.


Devoted Follower of THE
(8/9/00 9:42:06 pm)
Thank you Ex-twi
Thank you. i almost had a heart attack when I saw THE was gone. I always thought it should have it's own place in THE dale!

As always, You are the best Ex!

Wyo Man 
WayDale Citizen
(8/9/00 11:20:57 pm)

Re: THE Two
THE lite?

Taistes Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's Less Filling!!!!!!!!!!!

Wyo Man

Edited by Wyo Man  at: 8/9/00 11:20:57 pm

Priestess of THE
(8/9/00 9:44:50 pm)
Re: THE Two

This is a poor substitute!


If we settle for THIS what will they do to us next????!!!!!

Don't be fooled!

It's a ploy I tell you! A ruse! A trick! A tweeeeeeeker trick!

Don't let the AntiTHE forces shove us off in this corner!


The Priestess has spoken...

WayDale Administrator
(8/9/00 9:50:03 pm)

Priestess of THE,

You should be helping the faithful through this dark night instead of inciting insurrection.

THE almost died and THE has been resurrected in a new body! "THE Two" It's a miracle!

It's a miracle. Pay homage to THE


Edited by extwi  at: 8/9/00 9:50:03 pm

Priest of THE
(8/9/00 9:56:08 pm)
Re: THE Two
Would you drink Guinness Light?

Would you dip lobster in "I can't believe it's not butter"?

Would you dip Oreos in Water?

I think not........

This may be a refuge but not a substitute to THE

WayDale Administrator
(8/9/00 9:57:23 pm)



Priest of THE
(8/9/00 9:59:04 pm)
Re: 4089
Don't go throwing numbers around......Casey has gone home and may not finish the countdown......Even Dick Clark is busy.

Priestess of THE
(8/9/00 9:59:32 pm)
Re: THE Two
MIRACLE MY A$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To All the Loyal Followers of THE!

Don't accept these events at face value!

Doesn't this remind you of ANYTHING?!!!!!!!!!!! TWI I fell... then they tried to sucker all of us with TWI II (AKA TWO!!!!!!!!)... are you really gonna fall for it AGAIN?!!!!!


Unfortunately, I HAVE to go out into the real world for a few hours! (damn! damn! damn!) But I'll be back!

PLEASE! Stand firm in this one thing...


Choir Director of THE
(8/9/00 10:07:13 pm)

Re: THE Two
My guitar......

.....gently weeps

I'm not old, just youth impaired.

THE4K Anarchist of THE
(8/9/00 10:25:36 pm)
Re: THE Two
where am I?

WayDale Deity
(8/9/00 10:38:59 pm)

Hmmmm.... celestial musings
Hmmmm.... not so bad in here. We like THE wallpaper.

Pay homage to THE

THE4K Anarchist of THE
(8/9/00 10:40:37 pm)
Re: THE Two
ok,ok,ok,ok,- I was going to get out the bombs, land mines, hand grenades, but saw THE has been preserved in THE archives. Does this mean a new THE every 100 posts?

sheesh cant wait for the complete anarchy of people trying to get THE last word on a 100 post thread!

but will we have time for anything else? No shavings, no ablutions, no yak stories, no pop tarts! Just total anarchy and a race to THE 100!!! ha ha!!

WayDale Citizen
(8/9/00 10:48:10 pm)

Re: THE Two

ARRGH!!!! Where is THEEEEEEE!!!!

Oh No it's locked down and all we have is this sucky the2.

Edited by extwi  at: 8/9/00 10:48:10 pm

Shaver of THE
(8/9/00 10:55:26 pm)

Re: THE Two
15 people just won't fit in a Volkswagon! At least not for long. I do comprehend the technical difficulties....but that doesn't mean I understand it, or like it....

Out THE's locked AND nobody can read it at this point....all you get is an error message...that says they know about the error and that it's already been logged.

I feel betrayed...just like everybody else! But THE never changes, maybe we could just consider this as the second administration of THE???

We could develop new rules shaving only the left leg until you've paid your $5 K dues...who knows....we should cease posting for one hour and just think.....

We need a bigger server....a server is more or less just a computer.....the pentagon has do lota other places...we should just get our own very big, great big huge enormous collossal computer and away we go!!!!

Rafael Olmeda 
High Priest of THE
(8/9/00 11:08:34 pm)
Re: THE Two
This is not the real THE.

This is an offshoot THE.
It's not attached to THE: Well.

Without that attachment, it's just a counterfeit.

Sigh. End of an era, and all I can say is,


Blame me. I'm with the media.

THE4K Anarchist of THE
(8/9/00 11:14:42 pm)
Re: THE Two
Brilliant Krysillis! of course! THE pentagon computer.....

WayDale Citizen
(8/9/00 11:24:07 pm)

Re: THE Two Haiku
Stilled silent keyboard
seeks the unobtainable
THE2 a poor cousin


THE4K Anarchist of THE
(8/9/00 11:27:37 pm)
Re: THE Two
(BTW, I would have loved to hear that conversation--"this 4000 post thread, is it a really important subject?"----"whats it about?" " well, its about THE",....."about trees?"....."no THE".... "what?"...."THE"......"oh , ummm you said THE,the what?"
"THE"........"ok, sure, whatever")

WayDale Citizen
(8/9/00 11:31:05 pm)

Re: THE Two
This is a 'stick' THE

EXTWI....PUT **THE** BACK!! Aaaarrrrggghhh!

At least put Rafe's original 'THE' post back....otherwise newbies just won't understand.

An 'offshoot' THE

A THE for those who missed out on the good old days of THE 1

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but THE will never die!


WayDale Citizen
(8/9/00 11:40:54 pm)
Re: THE Two
Can someone please post a copy of the "Passing of The" paperso I can get out of this fog?

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