Author | Comment |
herbal Registered User (7/4/00 4:39:35 pm)
 | Re: The Yeah me!!!
Do I win something¿¿¿
pamsandiego  Registered User (7/4/00 5:34:27 pm)
| Re: The Congratulations Herbal!
Yes you too have won the honor of having your legs shaved in the name of THE!
stillhere? razor please!
boutu  Registered User (7/4/00 5:42:59 pm)
| Re: The I had a 'feeling' that was going to happen....why o why did twi teach me to discount my feelings?......<g>
boutu  Registered User (7/4/00 5:44:22 pm)
| Re: The happy
boutu  Registered User (7/4/00 5:45:52 pm)
| Re: The fourth
boutu  Registered User (7/4/00 5:46:53 pm)
| Re: The of
boutu  Registered User (7/4/00 5:48:01 pm)
| Re: The July
boutu  Registered User (7/4/00 5:49:21 pm)
| Re: The everybody!
rev2 Registered User (7/4/00 11:49:39 pm)
 | Re: The
Robi Registered User (7/5/00 1:23:07 am)
 | Re: The I need a quiet cabin to chill out in...must be in THE mountains. Just for a few days or a couple of weeks. Can anybody help? Will trade a house in Atlanta for THE same period of time.
Can grown-ups run away from home?
stillhere1 Registered User (7/5/00 1:35:50 am)
| Re: The Sorry I was late Pam, I was partying for the 4th.
Lifted Up Registered User (7/5/00 11:01:40 am)
| THE Robi do you mean a place where you don't even have to think about THE puter for a while? We'd miss you but the break might be worth it.
pawtucket  Registered User (7/5/00 7:25:14 pm)
| Re: THE I leave for a couple of days and suddenly we're shaving the legs of the dancing tomato.
yrrabsille  Registered User (7/5/00 9:59:35 pm)
| Re: THE I'll bet that there's a lot of women out there that would think that a tomato with shaved legs is VERY sexy!
catcup  Registered User (7/5/00 11:26:20 pm)
| Re: THE in 3D! I have come here under blind obedience to Pamsandiego who told me I needed to *get with it* and post on this thread.
Now the originator of this thread fesses up that it is all a gigantic HOAX?!!!
I hear BELLS, ringing, folks.
For whom does the bell toll?
It tolls for THE!
pawtucket  Registered User (7/5/00 11:31:28 pm)
| Re: THE in 3D! Welcome Catcup to THE subworld of Waydale........There are no hoaxes here..........but Rafael has turned himself over to the dark side of Anti-THE.
pamsandiego  Registered User (7/5/00 11:53:50 pm)
| Re: THE in 3D! Oh sure, Catcup... like nobody has made THAT joke here before!
Get your heiney back in here and give us something we can really sink our teeth into. Rafael is old news, and everybody is getting tired of Paw's hairy legs...
We need you!
RunsWithScissors Registered User (7/5/00 11:57:36 pm)
 | Re: The Uh, just had to sport my new picture here, since long after I am gone, this will still be visited daily....
remember me fondly....
endswithe Registered User (7/5/00 11:58:34 pm)
 | Re: The and this one........
peace out all
catcup  Registered User (7/6/00 12:02:56 am)
| Re: The OK PAM!
What *I* wanna know is, *who* is going to do the CONCORDANCE to the THE thread so I can TELL what's been done to death!