Author | Comment |
pamsandiego  WayDale (5/23/00 2:07:36 am)
| Re: The Sudo is a bad man... a bad bad man...
pamsandiego  WayDale (5/23/00 2:13:05 am)
| Re: The onward
alfakat WayDale (5/23/00 2:15:24 am)
| Re: The naahh, sudo THE man!!!! Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.....I thought so
pamsandiego  WayDale (5/23/00 2:30:05 am)
| Re: The plodding along
MissAL WayDale (5/23/00 2:32:53 am)
| Re: The am I needed???? hehehehe
MissAL WayDale (5/23/00 2:38:36 am)
| Re: The hehehehe....hahahahaha....muahahahah!!!!!
waygone  WayDale (5/23/00 3:31:52 am)
 | Re: The I have a further question on the issue of THE....
Will there be a civil war when we reach post #1861? We should learn from history after all, else we will be doomed to repeat it. I love the THE thread.
Waygone :)
pamsandiego  WayDale (5/23/00 11:29:56 am)
| Re: The We need to try harder.
pamsandiego  WayDale (5/23/00 1:15:12 pm)
| Re: The THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
THE (must not) END!
Mimiff WayDale (5/23/00 2:48:27 pm)
| Re: The The National Transportation Safety Board recently divulged
their joint venture with the US automakers for the past
five years. The NTSB covertly funded a project whereby
the automakers were installing black boxes in four-wheel
drive pickup trucks in an effort to determine, in fatal
accidents, the circumstances in the last 15 seconds
before the crash.
They were surprised to find in 49 of the 50 states the
last words of drivers in 61.2% of fatal crashes were,
Only the state of Texas was different, where 89.3% of the
final words were,
"Hey Y'all, watch this!......"
pamsandiego  WayDale (5/23/00 7:41:06 pm)
| Re: The hmmmmmmmmmmmm
stillhere1 WayDale (5/24/00 2:37:48 am)
| Re: The Hi Guys
Well I thought I'd go for 1900 all by myself
stillhere1 WayDale (5/24/00 2:38:46 am)
| Re: The Onward HO!
stillhere1 WayDale (5/24/00 2:39:38 am)
| Re: The THE2K is coming!
stillhere1 WayDale (5/24/00 2:42:41 am)
| Re: The List of THE2K needs
1. Sudo's list of Blonde jokes
stillhere1 WayDale (5/24/00 2:44:10 am)
| Re: The 2. Lots and Lots of TP. (ThePosts)Because you can never have to many ThePosts!
stillhere1 WayDale (5/24/00 2:48:20 am)
| Re: The 3. Green M&M's in abundance
stillhere1 WayDale (5/24/00 2:49:11 am)
| Re: The 4. Rice. A honkin BIG box!
stillhere1 WayDale (5/24/00 2:50:41 am)
| Re: The 5. BBQ equipment!
stillhere1 WayDale (5/24/00 2:51:57 am)
| Re: The 6. That's all I can think of for now.