Author | Comment |
dabobbada WayDale (4/24/00 2:09:29 am)
 | Re: Where THE.......... I forgot where I was going!?!
Bless ya, Bob Hansen
VineHanger  WayDale (4/24/00 2:09:49 am)
| On to page 10? Can't stay around to be #400.
Wonder if I could be the 1st post on Page 10 instead.....
VineHanger  WayDale (4/24/00 2:10:44 am)
| page 10 rat!!!
But...I almost made it!
dabobbada WayDale (4/24/00 2:12:24 am)
 | Re: On to page 10? By THE way, How do you get out of this thread????
Bless ya, Bob Hansen
dabobbada WayDale (4/24/00 2:19:37 am)
 | Re: On to page 10? Now I'm really confused.
Vine your page 10 is Redeemed's page 19 and my page 4.
Bless ya, Bob Hansen
pawtucket  WayDale (4/24/00 2:21:50 am)
| THE THE is rising
dabobbada WayDale (4/24/00 2:24:34 am)
 | Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! I'm lost in a maze of THE
Bless ya, Bob Hansen
dabobbada WayDale (4/24/00 2:28:52 am)
 | Re: THE Paw,
Is that THE pillsbury doughboy,
I heard he rose from the bread Easter Morning.
Bless ya, Bob Hansen
dabobbada WayDale (4/24/00 2:33:50 am)
 | Re: THE Gotta be a way to get THE H out of.........
a little door in the shadows of the corner?
Bless ya, Bob Hansen
Maure  WayDale (4/24/00 2:38:47 am)
 | The spitting shouting MOGFAT went up the podium steps
Out came the truth and knocked the MOGFAT down.......
dabobbada WayDale (4/24/00 2:41:45 am)
 | Re: THE Where did THE little table come from?
A note says;
One pill makes you larger,
the other makes you small.
And the ones that mother gives you,
don't do anything at all.
Go ask Amieeee.... when she's nine feet tallllll.
Bless ya, Bob Hansen
dabobbada WayDale (4/24/00 2:52:39 am)
 | Re: THE choice Which pill is it now?
I'll try this one.
Bless ya, Bob Hansen
dabobbada WayDale (4/24/00 2:58:20 am)
 | Re: THE ceiling (of course) OWWW! that hurtz.
Wrong pill obviously.
Is it safe to take uppers and downers at the same time?
Oh well, doctors do it all the time.
Bless ya, Bob Hansen
dabobbada WayDale (4/24/00 3:04:36 am)
 | Re: THE downward spiral What a rush!
Absolutely amazing, Grace, really Slick.
*click* Skreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I'm outta here.
Bless ya, Bob Hansen
dabobbada WayDale (4/24/00 3:08:13 am)
 | Re: THE excape??? Wow somebody REALLY forgot to cut the grass!!
Why do I get this feeling I'm in an episode of "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids?"
Bless ya, Bob Hansen
pawtucket  WayDale (4/24/00 3:25:33 am)
| THE There's a fog upon THE way.
And my friends have lost thier way
we'll be over soon they said
Now they've lost themselves instead
Robi WayDale (4/24/00 5:28:59 am)
 | Re: THE a fog?
where is THE....?
dabobbada WayDale (4/24/00 5:31:20 am)
 | Re: THE? Why lost in THE fog of course.
Bless ya, Bob Hansen
Mandii  WayDale (4/24/00 7:31:38 am)
 | Re: THE? The Son always dispels the fog.
Goal1000 WayDale (4/24/00 10:38:47 am)
| Alphabet Soup A